I get the following error when I try to “Get Times” in meet manager:
This generally happens because meet manager was restarted after the start of the meet. If this is the case, from the “Run” screen click on “Interfaces”, “Timer (GNET)” and then “Select data set stored from GNET”. One of the screens shown below will be displayed (depending on the version of Meet Manager you are using). Typically, at the top of the box, it will indicate “Meet #2”. Click the Previous Meet buttons and you will then be selected to Meet 1. It will list a number of races run and a date. Click “Close” and then you will be able to import times.
If this does not correct the issue, go to the Meet Manager “Run” screen and click on “Interfaces”, “Timer (GNET)” and then “Select data set stored from GNET”. You will get the following pop-up:
Meet Manager 1, 2 or 3:
Meet Manager 4 or later:
In Meet Manager 4 or later click the “Update Data Location” and insure that the path is the directory were the results files are being stored.